Applebee Kids Preschool

News & Articles

All children deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential, and they need a solid foundation in order to do so.

Preparing Your Child For Preschool: Tips For A Smooth Transition
Childcare Articles

Preparing Your Child for Preschool: Tips for a Smooth Transition

Preparing Your Child for Preschool: Tips for a Smooth Transition Sending your child off to preschool can be an exciting and emotional time for both

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Play-Based Learning
Childcare Articles

The Importance of Play-Based Learning in Preschool

The Importance of Play-Based Learning in Preschool As parents and educators, we want our children to succeed academically and socially. While

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Activities For Preschoolers
Childcare Articles

Fun and Engaging Activities for Preschoolers

Fun and Engaging Activities for Preschoolers Preschoolers are at an age where they are curious, eager to learn, and full of energy. They are

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Preschool Education
Childcare Articles

Unlocking Your Child’s Full Potential: The Crucial Importance of Preschool Education

Unlocking Your Child’s Full Potential: The Crucial Importance of Preschool Education Preschool education is an important step in a

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Emotion Regulation To Preschoolers
Childcare Articles

Teaching Emotion Regulation to Preschoolers: Tips and Tricks

Teaching Emotion Regulation to Preschoolers: Tips and Tricks As a caregiver or educator of preschoolers, you understand the importance of teaching

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Simple Science Experiments, Preschoolers
Childcare Articles

10 Fun and Simple Science Experiments to Do at Home with Preschoolers

10 Simple Science Experiments to Do at Home with Preschoolers Science is not just about boring experiments and complicated equations, it can be a fun

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