Applebee Kids Preschool

News & Articles

All children deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential, and they need a solid foundation in order to do so.

Children On A Nature Walk With Their Teacher - Nature-Based Education
Childcare Articles

The Benefits of Nature-Based Education in Early Childhood Development

In the field of early childhood education, nature-based education stands out for its profound

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Young Children Engaging In Sensory Play With Various Materials
Childcare Articles

Sensory Play in Cognitive and Social Development

In the bustling and ever-evolving landscape of child development, sensory play emerges as a cornerstone in nurturing young

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Young Children Using Educational Apps On A Tablet - Early Childhood Education
Childcare Articles

Integrating Technology in Early Childhood Education

In an era where digital devices are ubiquitous, the question of how early childhood education can harness technology effectively is more relevant

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Children And Parents Participating In A Community Gardening Project - Childcare Facilities
Childcare Articles

Innovations in Sustainable Practices for Childcare Facilities

At the heart of communities worldwide, childcare facilities, including baby care centres, preschools, and pre-primary schools, are embracing

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Childcare - Child Exploring A Safe Online Environment
Childcare Articles

Media Trends in Childcare: What to Expect in 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of childcare, technology plays a pivotal role. These are the top media trends to keep an eye on in

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Best Preschools In Cape Town - Children Playing Outdoors
Childcare Articles

The 10 Best Preschools in Cape Town 2024

When evaluating and curating the list of the 10 best preschools in Cape Town, we considered several essential criteria to ensure that parents can

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